Estrogen….after 40
Estrogen is a hormone that actually plays a lot of roles in our body. Although it is most recognised for what it does for a woman's reproductive system, Estrogen is definitely the queen of multitasking!
She contributes to the health and well being of our cognitive functions, cardiovascular health, mental well being, weight and skin integrity to name a few.
Her receptors are found not only in the ovaries and uterus but the brain, gut, heart and bones.
Estrogen production will fluctuate throughout our lifetime but my focus in this article is the years leading up to menopause. I’d say around 38 I became a bit ocd about NIGHT SWEATS! Convinced that since I was experiencing them I must be going into early menopause. So I’d get bloodwork done and even have ultrasounds to count my follicles. I would graciously leave the office after being told I was still very much fertile….although my tubes are tied but not the point. But, like clockwork….mid-month it was back to waking up drenched.
Cramps! Huhh?? When I was pregnant with my son the doctor said contractions will feel like bad cramps. I was 28 years old and tbh had never experienced cramps but I went along with him because HE clearly must know how my body felt lol…..Fast forward to my 40’s OHHHH these are cramps! Why now!!!
Heavy periods…can they have repercussions? You bet! They just exacerbate the anaemia that I already have to the point I need a series of iron infusions from a hematologist a few times a year.
Brain fog, low sex drive, weight gain and dry skin with a side of depression can all be results of our decreasing estrogen levels around the ages of 40-50…sometimes sooner.
Luckily there are a lot of resources out there to help us navigate hormonal changes and thankfully the once taboo topic of perimenopause/menopause is now slowly making the algorithms.
The first misconception is that we quit producing estrogen all together. This is simply not true! Although we can't exactly turn back the hands of time we can support and nurture our body in ways that not only makes the transition smoother but can stimulate more hormonal balance.
Balance is key! When one hormone is out of whack it creates a disruption in the whole hormonal system. For example...exercise and stress can cause damaging increases in our cortisol levels especially as we get older. But wait...what? Exercise!!! I am a huge advocate for daily movement and exercise however the intensity is important. Our brain chemistry doesn't always recognise that we are training for a marathon and not running from a tiger and therefore boosting our cortisol levels resulting in decreased estrogen production.
So what can we incorporate into our daily regimen to help support balance within our bodies?!
Through nutrition and certain supplements as well creating a tool box of things to help us better react to stress and both the physical and mental toxins in the environment we can support our estrogen levels to thrive longer than once believed. The key is leaning into the changes our body goes through rather than fighting them.
All images seen here are taken directly from
I’ve started working with a brilliant clinically backed women owned and operated business that is filling that longgggg space before your period stops yet doesn’t seem to be behaving “normally”. I was first a happy client before beginning a relationship.
Their products are 100% plant derived with formulas that help our bodies maintain a better equilibrium that more cohesively eases our hormonal transitions without the wild roller coaster ride.
Wile supplements use adaptogens, phytoestrogens, nervines and nutrients backed by their in house doctor… Dr Jillian Stansbury.
I’m currently using…
40+ Period Support supplements
Perimenopause Support Supplements
And my favourite tinctures that I carry with me…Burnout Relief, Unworry and Unanger!
Paying attention to your bodies trends can be one guideline for how much testing you want to do and invest in. If all of a sudden your period stops or becomes heavier than normal, you have pelvic pain, increased brain fog, low sex drive etc... you would want to get some lab work done. Blood tests require minimal effort and are generally paid for by insurance companies annually.
For more comprehensive testing, I recommend a functional medicine doctor who will make the proper recommendations based on your complaints and concerns. They can do a series of more comprehensive saliva collections giving you more specific results.
We need to listen to our bodies and give ourselves grace and compassion. Estrogen is a powerful hormone in our body but not the shot caller! We are and we can write our narrative the way we choose by honoring the changes that nature has played out.
I can provide more information on estrogen supporting nutrition and supplements upon request!
Although we are all bio-individual, I have a lot of general nutritional recommendations for a healthy gut and glowing skin on my instagram