Welcome to the Blue Zones Challenge

What are the Blue Zones?

For those unfamiliar with the author and researcher Dan Buettner, I highly recommend reading his Blue Zones book series. https://www.bluezones.com/books/

Dan teamed up with National Geographic over two decades ago to study the regions of the world where people are consistently living the longest and healthiest lives. He and his team knew that only about 20 percent of our longevity is determined by our genes so the answers must lie within their environment and lifestyle.

5 regions were determined to exemplify the same characteristics and home to more centurions than any other place in the world.

  • The Barbagia region of Sardinia

  • Ikaria, Greece

  • Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica

  • Loma Linda, California ( where there is the highest concentration of Seventh-Day Adventists )

  • Okinawa, Japan

Dan Buettner and his team of medical researchers, anthropologists, demographers and epidemiologists studied for evidence based common denominators among all these regions. This lead to what he calls the Blue Zones Power 9. LifeStyle habits of the World’s Healthiest, Longest-Lived People.

The Blue Zones Challenge pg. 21-24

Unlike virtually every other health challenge, the Blue Zones Challenge focuses on setting up your environment to make healthy choices the easiest choices.
— Dan Buettner

Over the next 5 weeks I’m going to participate in the Blue Zones Challenge myself for the first time. ( the challenge itself is 30 days but I will spend a week introducing some techniques to make it easier to dive in and stay consistent )

I have read the book, The Blue Zones Challenge and can see where some of my challenges will lie. Remember this is not a rigid diet or a program that is supposed to be “short-lived”….This is a way of life that will not only add numbers to your lifespan but help you feel the purpose and energy to do so.

I will tap into the 9 lifestyle habits of the world’s healthiest longest living people by demonstrating them through my own behaviours and share everything that I can to help.

By following along with me and hopefully engaging in this journey yourself you will add new tools to your life to feel your best as well as better utilize the tools you already have.

  • learn about the top longevity foods

  • easy short recipes that are friendly to all levels of cooking

  • techniques for adding more movement to your life that are virtually mindless over time but add up!!!

  • ways to make friends as an adult that help serve your best interests and purpose

  • better sleep

  • sustainable weight loss

  • feel more connected with a higher power

  • more energy and vitality in your life so you wake up with more motivation

Let what hasn’t worked in the past stay behind you!

Let’s start respecting our mind, body and soul so effortlessly that the healthiest options become the easiest and most desired choices .

Stay tuned for my next article and newsletter. I will be sharing the tips to start setting up your environment for the 30 day Blue Zone Challenge. It will be very beneficial to purchase the book. It is an easy read with a ton of info, recipes, cool links and worksheets to assist you.


I will be interviewing the best selling author, and founder of the Blue Zones organization throughout my challenge to answer questions and provide personal insight.

You can find Dan Buettner at https://www.bluezones.com/dan-buettner/

follow him on social media at https://www.instagram.com/danbuettner/?hl=en

Happy New Year everyone!!! Let’s make it our best…..cause guess what….We have that kind of power within! 2022 in the house………….


Setting yourself up for optimal health


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