The LA Glow


The LA Glow can be a perfect starting point for clients teetering on the edge of commitment. I offer a 7-day or 14-day detox or reset program. It's great for models preparing for a shoot or audition, brides to be, or anyone wanting to un-do some not so healthy vacation behaviour. This program is also a virtual way to experience a taste of a clean organic detox the LA way!

The focus is eliminating inflammatory triggers and toxins causing excess bloating, fatigue and dull skin!

You can also purchase a pre-written weekly meal plan that closely mimics the way that I consistently eat each week. It includes my version of intermittent fasting, the best choices while eating out, smoothie picks, non-negotiable supplements, when to add in more food or take away and more…. What’s nice is that you can modify this style of eating to your lifestyle.


What’s Included

• Cutting sugar and alcohol.... coffee based on the individual • Customized fitness strategy during the cleanse • Printable e-workbook • Supplement recommendations • Skin care recommendations • Text support • 45-minute virtual meeting or phone call


Wellness Recovery

