7 main causes of low libido


Before we get into what’s crushing your mojo, I’ll briefly cover the hormones that are front and center performers in this natural and normal area of life…like actual life!! We wouldn’t be here otherwise. It’s also worth mentioning some statistics that are most likely underreported for obvious reasons. I mention this because people can often feel to embarrassed to bring it up or worse yet feel alone

  • Almost half of women report having a low sex drive, while higher in older women, 20% of women under 35 report long periods of a lack of sexual interest.

  • About 15% of men report lack of sexual interest

Testosterone - increases libido in both men and women. All about balance!! Too much can actually backfire on you and decrease libido. Curious? Get tested! Low Testosterone is associated with weight gain, fatigue, low libido, Estrogen dominance and erectile disfunction.

Interesting fact… 🙃people with overly high levels of testosterone prefer masturbation to sexual activity with a partner. Not hatin…just sayin…

Too much testosterone can also make reaching orgasm more difficult…FYI

Estrogen- our bodies natural lubricant but BALANCE is again crucial since too much estrogen can block testosterone.

Progesterone - promotes relaxation and happiness and you guessed it, sexual desire.

Oxytocin- the hormone we release from an orgasm. Oxytocin is the best stress reliever known to man.


Main Causes of Low Libido

This section might be a little dry but if your game isn’t where you’d like it to be then you might just have an ah ha moment.

  1. Stress is a top offender. High cortisol levels can interfere with sex hormone production. Cortisol directly decreases our neurotransmitters, serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline. Without these guys up in our business we are pretty depressed and hardly in the mood.

  2. Being overweight combined with self-consciousness. This can be both psychological and physical as too high body fat blocks testosterone.

  3. Systemic inflammation. The body can be too busy putting its emphasis on healing inflammation then making hormones involved in “reproduction”. Your sex drive can go down automatically to conserve energy to take care of whats more important. Inflammation also raises cortisol levels which as I mentioned will lower testosterone levels. Leaky gut syndrome can also fall into this category as can any type of gut dysbiosis. Remember around 90% of our feel good hormone serotonin is produced in the gut.

  4. Extremely low body fat. For women this tends to be under 15% but we are all different! When we don’t have enough fat then we don’t have enough fuel to light that fire 😏 Our bodies are too busy conserving the energy available for more important things like breathing and digesting food.

  5. Birth Control Pills - So much to say about these tiny little pills of hormonal havoc. But the short story for today’s purposes is they make testosterone basically inactive.

  6. Medications- here is a list but not limited to therefore if you are taking something and are suspicious Speak Up!

    Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI’s) zoloft, prozac….

    Tricyclic Antidepressants

    Antihistamines do more than DRY up your runny nose

    Cannabis not all types, strains etc..


    Beta blockers

    Anti-anxiety meds

    Sometimes just being aware of this information can really help the problem!!

  7. Medical Conditions such as hypothyroidism, vascular diseases especially in men!! Erectile dysfunction can be a big sign of cardiovascular disease! Clinical depression, PCOS and diabetes.

So now that I have addressed the top causes for a low libido, I’m going to encourage you to open your mind up to exploring ways to boost back up! Remember we are all bio-individual. We don’t all tick the same but one thing that is universally true is this…CONFIDENCE is sexy on everyone!!! Loving yourself first is the biggest aphrodisiac out there… or in there ❤️

Masturbation is treated as taboo in our culture but it can be a vital to re-energizing a low libido. First connecting to yourself and your own needs can increase your sexual confidence while raising your feel good hormones and getting an oxytocin hit that crushes excess cortisol. What came first…the chicken or the egg? By throwing a wrench in the cycle you can possibly get the show back on yourself. Whats more empowering than that? NO SHAME ALLOWED


Drink the juice babes

Focus on what you love about yourself and others will too❤️

Create a little sanctuary for yourself to feel your best. Lighting with dimmers, blackout shades and candlelight! If sex under stadium lighting isn’t your thing don’t worry it isn’t really anyones.

When you stop judging yourself is when the magic happens. Your partner will notice your confidence way before any other part of you.

If you think the impact of stress is your biggest *o%k block and you’re really not sure where to start, then consider hiring a health coach 🙋🏼‍♀️to help you with stress reduction, balance your sex hormones, reduce systemic inflammation, and strengthen gut lining. A holistic whole body approach could be your key to bring sexy back.


When it comes to sex toys, oils, books, beads etc. etc…… GOOP leaves no stone unturned. A little birdie told me the waitlist is worth getting on for the Vesper Vibrator necklace

Aphrodisiac Foods

Pomegranates- With a fruit like a pomegranate out there, I don’t know why Eve grabbed that apple! Pomegranates have so much sex appeal its’s kinda crazy.

  • They raise testosterone levels in bot men and women

  • They’re loaded with antioxidants to improve blood circulation to our reproductive organs

  • Lubrication is dependent on this circulation while also intensifying orgasm

    They have a positive impact on sperm quality

Oysters- They are probably the first food most people think of when discussing aphrodisiac foods, and for good reason.

  • They are full of Zinc that is necessary for testosterone production

  • They also contain two really rare amino acids…D-aspartic acid and N-methyl-D aspartate. These aminos increase sex-hormone production.

Dark Chocolate - A little dark chocolate can even trigger the production of the same endorphins produced during sex without even engaging in sex! The compound is called Phenylethylmine. But it also contributes to the real deal as well.

  • Magnesium aids in sex hormone production. FYI up to 75% of people are not meeting the recommended requirements of magnesium. My expert opinion is that it would be wise to order some dark chocolate after you read this.

  • https://hukitchen.com/ You can’t go wrong !! Organic with no added junk.

Figs- Another way to get our daily magnesium! Need help with recipes for fresh or dried figs? https://food52.com/ Holla 🤟🏽27 different recipes to fire up your taste buds and maybe more….

  • Figs also contain an amino acid that increases the flow of nitric oxide which helps to expand our blood vessels and increase blood flow to the genitals for both men and women.

Almonds and other tree NUTS- Along with their friends Brazil nuts and pine nuts, almonds contain both zinc and selenium which help reduce inflammation and improve your circulation. Not only good for increasing your sex drive but also has positive effects on fertility. These little guys keep things going longer and stronger too!


“As a health coach, I study all aspects of wellbeing. Our bodies function at optimal health when we are in balance in our mind body and soul.”

I received my health coaching Certification through https://www.integrativenutrition.com/ I have advanced training in hormone balancing through their advanced education programs. I received my bachelor’s degrees in clinical psychology and biology from the University of Colorado at Denver.


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