How to Manage a Business as a Working from Home Mother

In honor of all our hardworking moms around the globe, I’m going to share some tips and advice. As a mother of three kids and a health coach, I might be a work in progress but I do feel I’ve learned a lot of insight along the way.


Perfectionism is a roadblock to success!

  • We have heard this but it’s time to dissect it. How many people become successful overnight? What even is success? What is perfect! It’ a trap that exists in our mind. If you want to accomplish something then take one step towards that goal today! Take two more steps tomorrow. Say to yourself…damn I’m a boss! I love reading and listening to empowering women. You can’t go wrong with I did Gabby’s Spiritual Junkies Masterclass and it really supported me to start my business even though things weren’t “perfect.”


I want to be an example to my daughters that working can be fulfilling and enjoyable when you follow your passions.

Setting the example for Empowerment!

  • Although my children are my first priority, I have learned that it’s healthy to have other priorities. Working from home is a game of balance but setting the example to my children that I value work ethic , that I have passion for my career and you can be both a present mom and a mom with other purposes is real life value. I think we can all agree that we want our children to grow up feeling in control of their own success. dropping that knowledge at home first sets the tone! A really incredible book that I recommend is The author and spiritual motivator Rha Goddess lives up to her name times 1000!

Multitasking isn’t all it’s cracked up to be!

  • I’m definitely a work in progress in this area. But wait??!!! Isn’t multi-tasking a good thing? Hasn’t this been kind of a bragging trait amongst mothers for decades? TBH, I think we have taken it too far. Life has become convoluted with so many more “tasks”, to do lists, side hustles, media platforms and out with the old in with the new ways of getting things done that it’s just too overwhelming. This leads to anxiety, traits of ADD and less efficiency. Prioritize your day and put everything else in the proverbial parking lot! I’m learning to catch myself when I start doing too much at one time and take a breather to refocus.

  • Take a walk

  • a quick meditation…I know what you’re thinking lol But this can look different on everybody. I really like Laurasia puts her own hip twist on chilling out that helps you reboot in less than ten minutes.

  • What my break routine can look like….
    I’ll light a stick of my favourite incense from The time it takes to burn is the time that I take a step away from working and regroup. I’ll make a cup of matcha or if I need an energy boost without caffeine I’ll make a metabolism latte with my discount code XOJENL

15 Alt_Metabolism_Powder_2000x2000 copy2.jpg

Increase your metabolism , control sugar cravings while eliminating bloat!

Perfect for a smoothie or served cold/hot with your choice of milk. Naturally rich and delicious.


Brand Strategist and web designer, Deanna Nalbandian

Being a fast-paced doer and very Type A has always pushed me to want to do it all and always at the same time. I thought I could multi-task but I learned quickly in my business that I couldn’t give all to both my kids and work at the same time. I was aways stressed, tired, nervous and felt insecure both in my parenting and my creativity ( as a brand strategist) because I couldn’t give 100 percent. My tip would be to split your time! Work dedicated hours per day rather than trying to do it all. You will be more efficient in those hours and feel more full filled! Your kids will feel your energy too ❤️


No one warned me about the complexity of emotions that would arise when I continued my career as a working mom. There was a vicious dichotomy of being applauded for following my dreams and being questioned for my choices as a mother. Working moms chase a work-family balance and that typically comes with the side effect of guilt, “mom guilt.” I found myself feeling remorse for falling short on my own expectations as a mother, like missing out on the meaningful time with my kids. My most important tip is to to eliminate mom guilt! I started accepting that I am doing what is best not only for me, but for my family. I began applying the very skills I was teaching my clients; let go of those negative emotions and feel confident in your abilities as a working mom. Remember, you are modelling ambition and persevering .

Angela Andikyan,

Certified life coach and Associate Marriage & Family Therapist with over 12 years experience based in Los Angelos


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