Replacing alcohol part 2
If you are anything like I was then you spent a lot of time drinking. I was a functioning alcoholic. I don’t even say that with quotes because I was and I’ll stand by that. The person that I really am always fought hard to be present. I worked out everyday. I valued good nutrition. I was into my self care routines and I loved being an active parent. I think because these things were at my core than I did have an advantage when I quit. I consider these things to be at the foundation to build a happy and fulfilling life.
However!!! I still spent a lot of time drinking!!!! So I needed to fill this space!!! It’s really valuable for you to see the new time that you are gaining and not what you are “missing.” I would now never want to waste my precious life on this earth numbing opportunities to be better. The lies that I told myself were things like alcohol enhanced things or I need it to unwind, relax even get creative were nothing more than excuses to drink…..period!
Probably gunna get backlash for this but I find it incredibly cringy to support replacing alcohol with sugar and processed junkfood.
Now I will share why….and more than just the obvious
Since this is a blog and not a scientific journal then I’m going to just be forthright with my reasoning and why it supports long lasting freedom from alcohol.
The Nutrition Aspect
Sugar is an addictive substance. The more we consume the more our body craves it. It causes a magnitude of health issues. The debate is of course swapping the alcoholic beverage for the can of soda is better but if you want longterm health and sobriety then I’d pass. There are just so many alternatives to sugary drinks especially nowadays. I’ll include a list of my favorites.
You are essentially swapping one harmful substance for another.
Our subconscious brain does not really know the difference. It is being kept in survival mode searching for a crappy dopamine hit.
Eventually using sugar as a coping mechanism will quit working and you’ll go back to the crutches that had “better” results to numb and fulfill your needs.
Processed foods in general are so low in nutrients and are literally formulated to increase your hunger cues….why you say?? To make the manufacturers more money. Who binges on whole foods like apples and salmon!!! I don’t really think anyone in the process of giving up alcohol truly wants to trade their habit for weight gain, bloating, discomfort in your body, potential health problems and low self esteem that are side effects from over indulging in things that don’t serve our bodies.
Through my own experience of hundreds of failed attempts and finally success at over 3 years alcohol free and HAPPY, I assure you that nutrition played a huge role in my ability to quit, stay sober and live comfortably in my skin for the first time in my life without reaching for a coping mechanism.
There is so much information and different ways to go about this. In addition every individual will require their own unique dietary needs.
I am available to give you free advice or I can work with you on developing a nutritional program to assist with your recovery wellness plan. Email me, text or DM on IG. Info found in the contact section on this website.