How to skip the fad diet and eat more food to lose weight.


The freshman 15 did not skip my dorm room. I lived in the football hall which was notorious for starching up their players.... like it wasn't difficult enough! This is when years of fad dieting began for me, starting with the age old cabbage soup diet.

My friend, with her new chubby little cheeks joined me in the community kitchen to cook up pots of cabbage soup to store in our small dormitory refrigerators. Needless to say, the heavy stench we left behind did not help us gain popularity. We would restrict ourselves for a couple days but once the Friday night festivities began, the soup lost its flavor and Taco Bell was across the street. Onto the next trendy diet to fail miserably......

Fast forward to motherhood. Who out there really has the mindset to teach their children ( at least consciously) to force their bodies into ketosis, keep diaries full of their daily calories, or learn to ignore genuine hunger cues because the rules of intermittent fasting say it's not time to eat?

Let's love ourselves the same way we love our children! The most popular diet of all time is SAD...the Standard American Diet. This includes copious amounts of sugar, and processed foods followed by failed restrictive diets, shame and repeat.


My biggest tip to defeating this cycle of events is called Crowding Out.

Focus more on what you should eat rather than what you should not. Fill your belly with nutrient-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, grass fed meat, wild caught fish, and healthy fats first! These foods are very satiating, meaning you won't be hungry for crappy food afterwards.
Ever notice how you can eat junk food yet still remain hungry after? This is not your imagination or a character default! Your body does not recognise that it's full after consuming processed junk that it doesn't even acknowledge as food! We were made to thrive on nutrients! In addition to that, sugar and processed foods stimulate our hunger hormones actually making us feel more hungry!

Don't be afraid of fat! It's sugar that makes you fat... not fat!!!!
Incorporate avocados, nuts, seeds and my favorite MCT oil into your diet.

Need some more guidance? Send me a quick email!


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Success Story — Deborah